Aaron Sharp, owner-operator of Sharp Striper Guide Service on Lake Texoma, shares his top 10 tips for Spring 2021. Read our Lake Texoma Fishing Guides Top 10 Spring Tips and get ready for a great 2021 Striper Fishing Season. We will mix in some booking and striper fishing tips in the blog post, and please read on.

Book Your Weekend Striper Trips Early

Lake Texoma has plenty of Striper Fishing Guides to choose from, but the top-rated outfitters booking calendars fill up very fast, and the first days to go are Saturdays and Sundays. We recommend booking weekend trips 8 to 10 weeks in advance. We do not have a weekend date on Lake Texoma until August, so please start thinking about Spring and Summer dates in January and February. Once school is out in June, we get busy, and most of our Summer calendar, including weekdays, are reserved.

Know Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Seasons

We will not spend a lot of time on the seasons, but make sure your group’s fishing skills match up with the style of striper fishing. If your group is not very experienced, booking a lure casting top-water plug trip may not result in a poor outing on Lake Texoma. For more information, please follow Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Seasons.

Arrive Prepared

A successful Lake Texoma Guided Striper Fishing Trip will take some easy preparation from our clients. Please make sure everyone in your group has a Lake Texoma Fishing License. Dress for the weather and bring a small cooler with drinks and snacks. You can find more information on our FAQ page. We will set up a meeting time for all of our Lake Texoma Striper Fishing Trips. Please arrive early. The number one trip failure is a late start.

Know Your Fishing Skill Level

Top-rated Lake Texoma Fishing Guides will always ask a client’s experience. Can you cast a level-wind reel? Do you Striper Fish often? Do you own a boat? Have you Striper Fished Lake Texoma before? These are some of the questions you could hear from our guides. Answer them honestly, and do not be nervous. Suppose your group has never fished, not a problem. If your group owns boats and Striper Fishes Lake Texoma every weekend, that’s great too. We want your group to have the best Lake Texoma Striper Fishing experience, and your skill level will help us custom-craft the adventure.

Bring a Positive Attitude

Everyone sees pictures on social media of cleaning tables full of Striper from Lake Texoma. It looks easy from the pictures, but some trips are a lot of work to catch your legal limit of Striper on Lake Texoma. On some trips, we will stop once, drop live bait, and earn a limit of Striper. These are the trips Lake Texoma Fishing Guides dream about, but the reality is much different. Our trips can cover miles of water and 20-30 stops. Don’t get frustrated; stay positive, and wait for feeding Striper. Striper will move often, and it can take 4-5 hours to reach our legal limit.

Lake Texoma Fishing Guides Top 10 Spring Tips

We fish many clients who have their boats and have fans that follow us on social media that look for Striper Fishing Tips. We are happy to share our knowledge with clients and fans. Here are some quick Spring Striper Fishing Tips from Lake Texoma Guide Aaron Sharp.

Water Temperature

Spring is an excellent time to Striper Fish Lake Texoma, but we see many anglers that do not pay attention to water temperatures. Threadfin and Gizzard Shad on Lake Texoma have had a long and cold winter and seek warmer water. Look for rocks and move your boat into shallow water. Rocks heat up from the sun, and the shallow water will warm fast. Shad will school up and move into this rocky warmer water. Striper will always follow shad, and half of your battle to a successful trip on Lake Texoma is locating baitfish.

Egg Sinker Weight

If you are live-bait fishing Lake Texoma in shallow water, make sure you don’t over-weight your rig. Try to use 1/2oz egg sinkers when shallow water fishing. Your live-bait presentation will look natural with less weight. Remember to keep your shad in the strike zone and looking natural to the Striper on Lake Texoma. If you are drifting and the wind is big, go with a 3/4oz egg sinker. Avoid line breaks by placing a glass bead on your line between your swivel and egg sinker.

Bait Tank 101

Buy a quality bait tank that has a filtration tray. Clean your polyester bait tank filter 2-3 times each trip. Make sure your bait tank battery 100% charged. Rock salt and a chemical de-foamer will keep your bait energetic all day. Do not overload your bait tank with shad. For more information, please follow Striper Fishing Lake Texoma.  

Circle Hooks

Circle hooks help Lake Texoma Striper survive a catch and release. Circle hooks get stuck in the Stripers mouth, not the stomach. Lake Texoma is the Striper Capital of the World, and let’s keep it that way for our great-grandkids.

Lake Texoma Striper Spawn

Lake Texoma is the Striper destination of the world because each April, fish run up the rivers and spawn. Lake Texoma also is stocked with Striper each year, and the fish population is excellent. If you catch a big female Striper in April full of eggs, please release that fish to spawn. We can all do a little to help keep Lake Texoma great. Let those fish spawn and repopulate our great lake.


Thanks for reading our blog post, Lake Texoma Fishing Guides Top 10 Spring Tips.  You can find us on Facebook and Instagram.  Feel free to leave a comment below, and if you would like to book a trip, please call 580-380-5357 or visit our website.